Frequently Asked Questions

How can I withdraw my earnings?

To initiate a withdrawal of your earnings on the Persona platform, please adhere to the following steps:

1. Access the "Account" section located in the left-hand navigation bar on the dashboard.
2. Within the "Account" section, select the "Earnings" tab to review all credit and debit transactions comprehensively.
3. If your bank account details have not been added previously, proceed by clicking on the "Add Account" option. Complete the Know Your Business (KYB) process to successfully add your bank account details.
4. Upon successful addition of your account, proceed to click on the "Withdraw" button. You will then be prompted to enter the desired withdrawal amount.

Please note that earnings can only be withdrawn in whole numbers. Should you require further assistance or have any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact our support team.

When are my earnings available to withdraw?

Earnings accrued during a specific month will become eligible for withdrawal after a period of 15 days following the conclusion of that month. For example, earnings generated in January will be available for withdrawal starting from February 15th. This timeline ensures systematic processing and enables users to access their earnings efficiently.

Can I invite other team members from my team on the
Persona publisher’s patform?

To invite team members to the Persona platform, please adhere to the following steps:

1. Navigate to the "Account" section located in the left-hand navigation bar.
2. Within the "Account" section, select "Team Members" to view a comprehensive list of all members affiliated with your organization.
3. Click on the "Invite Users" button.
4. Enter the email address of the user you wish to invite and designate their role (admin/Member) as required.
5. Click on the "Invite" icon to send the invitation.
6. Upon completion of these steps, the invited user will receive an invitation link via email. They can proceed to sign up for the platform using this link.

What is the available balance and how is it different from total earnings?

 The "Available Balance" represents the portion of earnings currently eligible for withdrawal into your designated bank account, while "Total Earnings" denotes the cumulative earnings accrued up to the present date.

It's essential to note that earnings for a specific month (M) become available for withdrawal 15 days after the conclusion of that month (M+15 days). For instance, earnings from January can be withdrawn starting from February 15th.

As a consequence of this process, it's evident that the "Total Earnings" will consistently exceed the "Available Balance" at any given point in time. This distinction arises due to the gradual accumulation of earnings over time, with a portion becoming accessible for withdrawal after the stipulated waiting period.

I'm not able to sign in. How do I resolve it?

If you're using the correct credentials to sign in but still experiencing issues, please ensure that you don't have any active ad-blocker extensions enabled on your browser.

What is an App and ad unit?

An application (referred to as an "app") serves as a representation of a specific website, web application, or mobile application where advertising campaigns are executed. Each app is uniquely identified through an API key assigned by the persona to its source URL. Consequently, only ad requests originating from the designated source URL are accepted within the app's framework.

Furthermore, within the app environment, the term "ad unit" signifies the specific placement of an advertisement. These ad units are distinguished by their unique ad unit IDs assigned by Persona, facilitating precise targeting and tracking of advertising placements within the app.

Which ad formats does the Persona platform support?

Presently, we offer support for banner ads. Yet, we're in the process of developing native ads and anticipate launching them in the near future. 

What sizes are supported for ad placements on the Persona platform?

Currently, we support ad placements in four different sizes:

- 970x90
- 300x350
- 600x160
- 321x101

What platforms are compatible with Persona ads?

Our ad support extends across various platforms including web, Android apps, and Unity apps.

Why can’t I see metrics getting updated even after my campaign is live?

The metrics and dashboard undergo daily updates scheduled for 12:00 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST)

How does the Persona platform count impressions?

In order to ensure fairness to our advertisers, we consider an impression valid only when at least 80% of the ad is visible and has been viewed for a minimum of 1 second.

Does our money get back to the wallet when the campaign is paused?

When a campaign is "paused," any remaining budget is retained within the campaign. However, when a campaign is "ended," the remaining budget is credited back to your wallet balance. This credited amount can then be utilized for other campaigns, providing flexibility and efficient allocation of resources across your advertising initiatives

How can I generate a pre-payment invoice?

Once you've completed setting up the campaign and proceed to the payment page, you'll find the "Download Invoice" button available for accessing your invoice.

How can I download a post-payment receipt?

Upon completing the payment process, you can promptly access the receipt by clicking the "Download Receipt" call-to-action on the confirmation page. Furthermore, all receipts are conveniently stored within your account section for easy reference and management.

Can I invite other team members from my team to the Persona account?

To invite team members to the Persona platform, please adhere to the following steps:

1. Navigate to the "Account" section located in the left-hand navigation bar on the dashboard.
2. Within the "Account" section, select "Team Members" to view a comprehensive list of all members affiliated with your organization.
3. Click on the "Invite Users" button.
4. Enter the email address of the user you wish to invite and designate their role (admin/Member) as required.
5. Click on the "Invite" icon to send the invitation.
6. Upon completion of these steps, the invited user will receive an invitation link via email. They can proceed to sign up for the platform using this link.

I'm not able to sign in. How do I resolve it?

If you're using the correct credentials to sign in but still experiencing issues, please ensure that you don't have any active ad-blocker extensions enabled on your browser.

How can I track custom events for my campaign on the persona platform?

Our attribution integration facilitates the tracking of custom events, such as button clicks or form completions, on your websites. This enables you to effectively monitor the end-to-end conversion funnel, empowering you with valuable insights into user interactions and behavior.

You can access the attribution feature from the “Conversions” tab on the left navigation bar on the dashboard. Step-by-set guide for setting up and tracking your custom conversion events -

Check Demo

Can I edit my campaign after it is active?

Once the campaign is active, you're able to modify all its properties except for the start date. However, any edits made will trigger the campaign to undergo approval once more.

Which ad formats does the Persona platform support?

Presently, we offer support for banner ads. Yet, we're in the process of developing native ads and anticipate launching them in the near future. 

How can I check which countries contribute to my current traffic?

You can check the breakdown by countries for all the metrics on the main dashboard

Why don’t I see metrics getting updated even after my campaign is live?

The metrics get updated daily at 12:00 AM PST